Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Glowing Seaglass Sunday

My mission this week was to organize the "haul" from this past Spring, Summer & Fall. The seaglass needed to be organized & dusted!!!! The table that displayed the recent finds needed attention and considering it SNOWED, this was the perfect time to get about doing this job!

This idea needs some tweaking but for now, some battery lit votives I just happen to own have sent my mantle a-glow! As the sun went down the seaglass filled receptacles became more & more heavenly.

The glass is beginning to glow.

Reflecting off the print Ebb Tide by our favorite artist & neighbor Christopher Blossom, the mantle is awash in color.

This is so soothing and calm....ahhhhhhh. Another Seaglass Sunday!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pumpkin Play

I haven't carved a jack-o-lantern in many years. A free pumpkin, the blog needing an updated post and there you go! (speaking with my hands ...wooden hands, giving me a hand)

Pumpkin eyed Sally was a bit scared of this thing called a rolling pumpkin.

The old pottery tools from 1997 were brought up from their "basement coffin" to aid in the new fangled art of partial carving.

The unlit creature here does not well represent the original idea. Partially my fault, drawing the ______ and carving the ______ was not as easy as I thought!

Well, if you MUST know.     It is the "Count". 

Sesame Street generation please say so!!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Seaglass Surprise in Battery Park

Yesterday, we took a little jaunt down to NYC to see the Ellis Island Museum. An absolutely gorgeous day! After stepping off the subway we enter Battery Park at the tip of Manhattan and there is my word....Seaglass! Yes, spelled without the space between Sea & Glass (although with a capitalized G). A carousel to be completed in Spring 2012 – I will be there.

 Following is my photo essay of our visit. It was a day filled with images that are provocative, graphic and most of all American. 

The Ferry.

Freedom Tower.

Miss Liberty from front, side and all her majesty.

Trunks...with all a family owned or could carry.

The Great Hall, where every immigrant had hope to enter our country.

Images of rooms, graffiti, electric panel of the past and faces....always the faces.

Peering out and looking into your eyes almost as if you were there... children separated from their parents, parents separated from their children or their own parents.

Reflections, my own boots standing on the same tiles where so many passed and the ghost like visitors exploring the same.

And then the long awaited and sought after future in America. Jobs? Unions? Immigration laws?


Ellis Island opened in 1892 and was operational until 1954. It closed, but left behind the inner workings....the tools, the beds, the sinks and the furniture. The signature of humanity as well.

The Museum at Ellis Island opened in 1990 after a 150 Million Dollar renovation. So much history to be seen and thankfully preserved. A view from one window shows the Freedom Tower and the New York Harbor...another the water tower that supplied those passing through yesterday and today.

And leaving towards our New York City destination and then home.