Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Some Like it Hot!

has been a strange month. Hot, cold, hot again. If it weren't for that darn freeze a week or so ago the tomatoes and the basil may have produced a bit more. Ce la vie. What did survive was the peppers...and boy did they make me proud!

I planted "Ring of Fire" and "Habaneros". During the summer we tried using the long, cayenne like Ring of Fire and it sure did own up to its name. Phew! Haven't used the Habaneros yet but now I could probably make an atomic stomach bomb out of the crop seen here. Pulled the plants and gathered my harvest today.

They are beautiful in their own way. Everything from the garden is beautiful until you cook with it and don't feel so beautiful the next day. The chili made with our lovely heat seeking missiles and belly bombs will go into production tomorrow...

In the meantime, I enjoyed a hot and crackling firepit upon my arrival home from work a few nights ago. Now that "Ring of Fire" is so welcome & so very kind to the body and mind. A bit of crisp Autumn air and a beautiful evening with the moon rising....my kind of heat. I thank Pappa D for this wonderful surprise!

Some like it hot, hot, hot
......and this chili made with this year's peppers may have to be reserved for only the bravest of souls, used sparingly and with great care. Will let you know when it is ready to eat around the firepit if you dare.

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