Friday, April 5, 2013


I am fortunate to have a shed coming off the back of my garage that I use for garden supplies but this week a CONTEST renewed my interest in the mess back there and I hope to clean it out and start anew. Spring seems to do that to people...and so does this website that I am completely head over heels about!

It is called Gardenista and the link to the contest is here.

The prize is a lovely potting table from Williams Sonoma Agarian.

Now to enter the contest you must "pin" images of your dream garden shed onto a board entitled "Visions of Gardening Sheds." First though, I thought I would capture the before look just in case I win and therefore would be forced to clean up the old shed to make room for my prize.

Rustic, old and a mess!

Inside, even worse. Quite a ways back I removed the old rotting floor and put down gravel, fixed the roof the best I could (it only leaks a tiny bit!) and put up plexiglass where the window fell out and broke. For a time it was semi organized. Over time junk started to collect amongst my treasures of driftwood, old pots, old wood shutters and more. Bed frames, the shop vac, coolers and anything else we didn't know where to put.

This photo was taken about 2 years ago and you can see how nice the shed can be. A paint job on the door, flowers in bloom, the Cedar Chalet Play House looking ok. So now, how to get back there or even better? Competition!

This is the first shed photo I "pinned". Nice brick floor, shelf for pots...

old table, area to work and fun storage captured on the second "pin". And on & on I went....

even down to the clothing and shoes I will wear in my new shed with my new prize!

No time to waste, I must get back to my board and see what else I should add....contest ends this Sunday, wish me luck!

For my gardening friends, if you don't already subscribe to Gardenista, go to the home site and be inspired. Happy Spring!